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The average price of imported iron ore in China in June was US$97.5/ton


publisherGloria Wong


The average price of imported iron ore in China in June was US$97.5/ton

According to customs data, China imported 75.79 million tonsof iron ore in June, a year-on-year decrease of 8.063 million tons, down 9.7%,down 8.574 million tons from the previous month; the average import customsprice was 97.5 US dollars / ton, an increase of 4.8 US dollars / ton from theprevious month From January to June, the cumulative import of iron ore was499.094 million tons, a decrease of 31.362 million tons, a decrease of 5.9%;the average price of imported customs was 86.7 US dollars/ton, an increase of16.3 US dollars/ton compared with the same period of last year.