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Brazil's iron ore production may fall 10% this year. April exports have hit a 7-year low.


publisherGloria Wong


The Brazilian Minister of Mines said that due to the impact of the dam break in the freshwater valley at the beginning of the year and the subsequent stoppage of the mine

The Brazilian Minister of Mines said that due to the impactof the dam break in the freshwater valley at the beginning of the year and thesubsequent stoppage of the mine, Brazil's iron ore production may fall by 10%this year, and the situation next year is not clear.

 Also affected is Brazil's iron ore export trade. Brazil'siron ore exports in April have fallen to a seven-year low to 18.34 milliontons, compared with 25.88 million in the same period last year. In March thisyear, exports were 22.18 million tons.