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Rio Tinto's iron ore sales in the first quarter were 69.15 million tons, a 22% decrease from the previous quarter and a 14% decrease from the same period last year


publisherGloria Wang


Rio Tinto's iron ore sales in the first quarter were 69.15 million tons, a 22% decrease from the previous quarter and a 14% decrease from the same period last year.

On April 16, Rio Tinto released the productionand sales report for the first quarter of 2019. The report showed: Production:In the first quarter of 2019, the production of iron ore in the Pilbarabusiness was 76 million tons, a decrease of 12% from the previous month and adecrease of 9% from the same period last year.

The decrease in sales was mainly due to thefire at the Lambert Port A berth in January and the impact of the hurricane inMarch on Rio Tinto's iron ore production of approximately 14 million tons.Taking into account this factor will continue to affect the performance of thesecond quarter, Rio Tinto will be its West Peel The sales volume of iron ore inthe Bara region has been adjusted from 3.38 to 350 million tons to 3.33 to 343million tons.

It is also known that Rio Tinto invested US$2.6billion in the Koodaideri iron ore mine project in November 2018, which iscurrently carrying out construction and procurement activities as planned. Theproject is expected to be put into operation in the second half of 2021. Afterthe project is put into operation, the annual production capacity of the mineis expected to reach 43 million tons, which will support the production of PB powder.